Centro de la Mujer del Valle de Lecrín-Dúrcal
Calle Regina nº 11. 1º planta.
18650 Dúrcal- Granada
On the phone
By e-mail
In situ
No appointment needed - Walk in service
Women (including transgender)
Women (cisgender only)
Types of services
Phone counselling
Initial consultation and assessment
Legal support
Social support
Psychological and emotional support
Group workshops
Support related to sexual and reproductive health
Types of violence
Female genital mutilation / cutting
Forced marriages
Sexual violence
Child sexual abuse
Violence between partners
Sexual exploitation
Human trafficking
Violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity
Sexual harrassment
Honour based abuse
Other information
Perfil (otro):
cualquier persona con al que se trabaje en prevención y sensibilización
Tipo de servicios (otro):
sensibilización en igualdad y violencia de género para centros educativos y ciudadanía
Tipos de violencia (otro):
Discriminación laboral por razón de sexo